VOTF is a Christian church, but we are neither dogmatic nor creedal. While we all are seeking that Spirit of Jesus that sets us free and inspires us to live a life consistent with the teachings of Jesus, we recognize and value the variety of ways people come to know him…teacher, prophet, savior, revolutionary, liberator, role model, Son of God, Christ, justice seeker, mystic. For some Jesus is all these things and more.

In the United Church of Christ we are part of a tradition that has no hierarchy. We have no bishops or popes, no elders or superintendents. While the pastor seeks to faithfully illuminate scripture and make it relevant to our daily lives, ultimately she speaks TO us and not necessarily FOR us. We believe that it is up to all Christians to take seriously and wrestle with the ancient stories of our faith in light of current experience and knowledge. However, this is not a solo activity. As a community we hold one another up and we hold one another accountable, inspiring and lovingly challenging one another as best as we are able. We journey together.

None of us is perfect. None of us has all the answers. None of us has authority over anyone else. We all stand on the same step and together we try to discern the will of God and the way of Jesus for our time.

Perhaps more than any these two words from scripture speak to our faith:

“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.”
– Micah 6:8

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind…and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
-Matthew 22:38-39